Physician Articles

Why We Love Lube!

Lube is not a “one size fits all.”  As with most things, there are personal preferences to consider, including the use, price, and comfort. In this article, we will cover the different lubes and the different purposes.

Off the Record

Is My Carrot…Crooked?

As many as 1 in 10 American men may have Penile curvature which can cause pain and ED. Our anonymous urologist discusses the tell-tale signs of Peyronie’s Disease, treatments, and the importance of following your physician’s instructions when undergoing injection therapy for PD.

Off the Record

Off The Record – I wet the bed

Urinary leakage isn’t just a woman thing, its a bladder thing and guys have one too. In this OTR column guys ask our anonymous urologist about their incontinence treatment options.