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Pentoxifylline tablets are taken orally based on a physician's prescription daily or multiple times per day.
Crossed the 40-year milestone? Just as a vintage car needs special care and maintenance, so does your body as you age.
MoreAs many as 1 in 10 American men may have Penile curvature which can cause pain and ED. Our anonymous urologist discusses the tell-tale signs of Peyronie's Disease, treatments, and the importance of following your physician's instructions when undergoing injection therapy for PD.
MoreIn this article Dr. Jared Wallen discusses surgical treatment options for Peyronie's disease, correction of the deformity and erectile function.
MoreIn this article Dr. Landon Trost discusses diagnosis and medical, traction, and surgical treatment options for Peyronie's Disease.
MoreIn this article Dr. Laurence Levine discusses treatment options for men with Peyronie's Disease.
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