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Beta-3 Adrenergic Agonist
Mirabegron is a beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist used in adults to treat overactive bladder. It works by relaxing the detrusor smooth muscle to reduce symptoms of overactive bladder.
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menMD does not compound or dispense prescription products. Prescriptions are filled through our US-licensed pharmacy partners.
Starts at $2.37 per 20mg Capsule
Mirabegron treats an overactive bladder by relaxing the detrusor smooth muscle allowing the bladder to store more urine which helps to prevent urgent, frequent, or uncontrolled urination.
Mirabegron is used alone or in combination with other medications for the treatment of overactive bladder.
According to studies, Mirabegron is an effective treatment for overactive bladder.1
1. NIH National Library of Medicine, Effectiveness and persistence of mirabegron as a first-line treatment in patients with overactive bladder in real-life practice
You should talk to your provider before starting Mirabegron if you have a history of hypertension (high blood pressure).
In this blog, renowned urologist Dr. Paurush Babbar shares expert insights on managing post-treatment challenges and regaining confidence in and out of the bedroom.
Some men find it easier to empty their bladders when they stand. I have found that many men, as they age, naturally start to sit down to empty their bladders.
Crossed the 40-year milestone? Just as a vintage car needs special care and maintenance, so does your body as you age.
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Get A PrescriptionMedications and products that be used to treat urinary incontinence.
ProtechDry urinary incontinence underwear with built-in absorption area and sealed seams, are washable, reusable, and available in 5 sizes.
A combination medication for men dealing with the symptoms of BPH and ED. Helps by relaxing the muscles in the baldder and prostate. Unique medication exclusive for menMD members.