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Dear TACT,
There’s no reason injections have to bungle the mood. But here’s a little tough love: your wife likely doesn’t think injections are awkward — she thinks your approach is making them awkward. That’s not an indictment; it’s merely time to finesse your suave.
Your wife likely doesn’t think injections are awkward — she thinks your approach is making them awkward.
Whether you’re injecting alongside your wife or doing so privately, something’s stymying the flow. Making a big to-do about it will likely derail the desire. But so will a clunky attempt at a covert bathroom bolt. Opt for the Middle Way, TACT. Drop the guessing game of what’s weirding out the moment and ask your wife for her direct input. What feels awkward? How can we make it more natural? Acknowledge her feedback and involve her in the problem-solving. Listen. Proceed. And practice.
What feels awkward? How can we make it more natural? Acknowledge her feedback and involve her in the problem-solving. Listen. Proceed. And practice.
But that’s not all. Although it’s clear she likes the action, her insecurities are detouring the main event. If you’re sitting pretty with a firm phallus but your wife isn’t feeling the fire, spend more time communicating your desire. You’ve got a 10-minute window between injection and erection. Initiate some amorous foreplay and show her medical intervention ain’t got nothing on her. Give her the satisfaction of being co-owner of your boner. Let science be the miracle and chemistry be the magic.