When ED Pills Don’t Work, What’s Next? by Amy Pearlman, MD

Oral medications for ED are effective for approximately 70% of men, but what are the options when the pills don't work? In this webinar, Dr. Amy Pearlman, Urologist and sexual medicine specialist, explains why some men 'fail' oral medications for erectile dysfunction, and why other medical treatments may work. As a prosthetic surgeon, she'll also take a deep dive into the penile implant option.

When ED Pills Don’t Work, What’s Next? by Eric Diner, MD

Oral medications for ED are effective for approximately 70% of men, but what are the options when the pills don't work? In this webinar, Dr. Eric Diner, urologist and sexual medicine specialist, explains why some men 'fail' oral medications for erectile dysfunction, and why other medical treatments may work. As a prosthetic surgeon, he'll also take a deep dive into the penile implant option.

When ED Pills Don’t Work, What’s Next? By Casey McCraw, MD

Oral medications for ED are effective for approximately 70% of men, but what are the options when the pills don't work? In this webinar, Dr. Casey McCraw, urologist and sexual medicine specialist, explains why some men 'fail' oral medications for erectile dysfunction, and why other medical treatments may work. As a prosthetic surgeon, he'll also take a deep dive into the penile implant option.