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Calcium-Channel Blocking Cream
Verapamil topical creams are a prescription medication that is applied directly to the skin at least twice a day. This cream is formulated to maximize absorption into the malformation of penile tissue as opposed to being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Prescription Required
menMD does not compound or dispense prescription products. Prescriptions are filled through our US-licensed pharmacy partners.
Starts at $30.85 per 30mL Pump Jar
Verapamil topical creams may be prescribed for daily use between doses of Verapamil injection, in conjunction with oral medication, or by itself.
Verapamil topical creams are used to treat Peyronie’s Disease (a growth of fibrous plaques in the penis). These creams are often prescribed in combination with at least one other treatment type.
In one randomized study, 94.4% of patients with Peyronie’s Disease experienced improvement in their penile curvature within 9 months.1
1. NIH National Library of Medicine, Topical verapamil HCl, topical trifluoperazine, and topical magnesium sulfate for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease–a placebo-controlled pilot study
May be prescribed with either injections or tablets for added effectiveness
Crossed the 40-year milestone? Just as a vintage car needs special care and maintenance, so does your body as you age.
As many as 1 in 10 American men may have Penile curvature which can cause pain and ED. Our anonymous urologist discusses the tell-tale signs of Peyronie's Disease, treatments, and the importance of following your physician's instructions when undergoing injection therapy for PD.
In this article Dr. Jared Wallen discusses surgical treatment options for Peyronie's disease, correction of the deformity and erectile function.
menMD provides multiple options for the treatment of Peyronie’s Disease.