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Hematorheologic Agent
Oral medications such as generic Pentoxifylline tablets may help stabilize the penile scarring process. Well-known brand names for Pentoxifylline are Trental™, Pentox™, Pentoxil™ and Flexital™.
Prescription Required
menMD does not compound or dispense prescription products. Prescriptions are filled through our US-licensed pharmacy partners.
Starts at $0.89 per 400mg Tablet
When taken over a period of months Pentoxifylline may prevent continued scaring, improve erection quality through improved blood circulation, and help reduce the calcification of the plaque.
While pentoxifylline is not FDA-approved for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease it is prescribed as an off-label medication for men with penile curvature.
After 4-6 months of taking 400mg of Pentoxifylline (PTX), participants in one study found that PTX either stabilized or made improvement in the calcifications caused by Peyronie’s Disease.
Crossed the 40-year milestone? Just as a vintage car needs special care and maintenance, so does your body as you age.
As many as 1 in 10 American men may have Penile curvature which can cause pain and ED. Our anonymous urologist discusses the tell-tale signs of Peyronie's Disease, treatments, and the importance of following your physician's instructions when undergoing injection therapy for PD.
In this article Dr. Jared Wallen discusses surgical treatment options for Peyronie's disease, correction of the deformity and erectile function.
menMD provides multiple options for the treatment of Peyronie’s Disease.
Verapamil injection therapy is often the first-line therapy to help stabilize the penile scarring that characterizes Peyronie's Disease.