Building a Successful Physician Practice (Part 5):
Strategies for Optimizing the Patient Experience

Written by Dr. Amy Pearlman

1109 Words. 4 minute 40 second Read.

Whether you’re considering new treatment options, groundbreaking medical technologies, or evolving patient expectations, physicians are no strangers to change and innovation.Any physician will tell you that it’s a struggle to keep up.

Yet those same physicians will also tell you that staying ahead of the curve is essential for providing top-notch care and building a thriving practice.

In my conversations with colleagues, a common theme emerges: embracing innovation is key to navigating the always-shifting landscape of healthcare.

In this post, I’ll share some insights gleaned from my career and discussions with colleagues about the trends and innovations shaping our field in an effort to optimize the patient experience.

This is part five of our Building a Physician Practice series. You can find the other parts by clicking the following links:
Part one     |    Part two    |    Part three    |    Part four

Leveraging Health Technology in the Comfort of One’s Home

We can’t talk about trends in medicine without discussing new technology capable of revolutionizing how we approach patient care.

Adopting new technology in medicine requires a careful balance between potential benefits and practical considerations such as accessibility, cost, ease of use, patient satisfaction, and evidence-based outcomes.

Adopting new technology in medicine requires a careful balance between potential benefits and practical considerations

Here are two technologies that are transforming the landscape of men’s health in my practice.

FirmTech TechRing

Behavioral modification is the first line of treatment for any health condition, especially in men’s health and sexual health.

The resulting lifestyle changes from incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, reducing nicotine and alcohol use, and encouraging regular exercise can make significant improvements in sexual health.

However, quantifying improvement in erectile health objectively and in real time has been challenging.

Traditional validated questionnaires often assume patients are engaging in peno-vaginal intercourse within a monogamous relationship, limiting data collection to office visits, and failing to provide objective information.

Doppler ultrasounds, while they may provide some useful information, necessitate penile injection therapy in an environment that, in no way, resembles an actual intimate experience.

As a member of the scientific advisory board for FirmTech, I am well-acquainted with the TechRing technology. This innovative device allows patients to monitor their erectile function from the comfort of their homes, both while sleeping and during any sexual activity.

The TechRing provides real-time feedback on the number, firmness, and duration of erections, offering a more comprehensive and objective measure of erectile health, particularly as patients are engaging in lifestyle modification efforts.

At-Home Semen Analysis Testing

Asking male patients to produce a semen sample in a sterile clinic room can be a daunting and uncomfortable experience.

However, advancements in at-home semen analysis testing have made this process much more convenient and less stressful. Companies like Fellow now offer high-quality semen analysis that can be performed at home.

Patients can collect their samples in a comfortable environment, ship them back to the lab, and receive results within a few days. This approach not only simplifies the testing process but also offers additional services such as sperm cryopreservation at cost-effective prices, making it easier for patients to manage their reproductive health.

Our practice now offers sperm cryopreservation to all of my patients prior to vasectomy, which patients have appreciated.

These are just two of the technologies exemplifying how innovation in men’s health can enhance patient experience and outcomes. By integrating such tools into my practice, we can offer patients more accurate, convenient, and comfortable options for managing their health.

Simplifying Access to Essential Sexual Health Products in the Comfort of the Clinic

In my practice, I frequently recommend several commercially available products to my patients to support their sexual health and overall well-being.

These products include penis pumps, traction therapy devices, penile constriction bands, lubrication, pelvic wands, and sexual enhancement items like vibrational therapy.

While my patients recognize the value of these tools, they may harbor some concerns around ordering these products online. Concerns about browsing history, targeted ads, and the potential for embarrassment discourage many from acquiring these beneficial products.

To address these issues, another trend that we’re jumping on board of is that of the “Med-Tail” space, a term coined by my colleague and sexual wellness retail expert, Nicole Leinbach. While still in its nascent stages, our plan is to offer the products I commonly recommend directly from my office. By dedicating an entire room at the clinic to display demo products, patients can see and experience the vast array of available tools firsthand.

Another trend that we’re jumping on board with is that of the “Med-Tail” space… Our plan is to offer the products I commonly recommend directly from our office.

Since introducing these demos and incorporating them into patient consultations, feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Many patients have expressed a preference for purchasing directly from the clinic rather than navigating the online ordering process. This direct approach not only alleviates their concerns but also ensures they receive the right products tailored to their needs.

By bridging the gap between recommendation and acquisition, we can enhance patient care and improve access to essential sexual health products.

Did You Know?
menMD can support your Med-Tail needs! We offer discounted prices on medications and over the counter products for you to sell directly to your patients. Interested in learning more? Contact your Account Manager by calling (857) 233-5837 ext. 2 and asking about our Practice Pay program.

Delivering Medical Expertise to the Community

In keeping with the theme of meeting patients where they are, a significant development in modern medicine is the initiative to bring medical expertise directly to people’s workplaces and communities.

These programs offer physicians a unique opportunity to make a broader impact on public health. By meeting prospective patients at a location more convenient for them, we can reach individuals who might otherwise find it challenging to access healthcare services.

I recently had the opportunity to present on the “5 S’s of Men’s Health” (Sex, Streams, Steroids, Swimmers, and Size) to employees at a prominent South Florida accounting firm. Discussing such traditionally taboo topics in a workplace setting was something I never imagined doing.

This approach not only allows us to reach and educate a greater number of people but also helps in building our prospective client base

However, because access to healthcare remains difficult, people are often reluctant to visit clinics or hospitals, and taking time off work for appointments is challenging, providing education at the workplace offers a practical and comfortable alternative.

This approach not only allows us to reach and educate a greater number of people but also helps in building our prospective client base and enhancing our presence within the local community. By bringing healthcare directly to where people spend a significant portion of their time, we can make a meaningful impact on public health and patient well-being.

A Powerful Force in Modern Healthcare

When we talk about pushing boundaries in modern medicine, flashy technologies and breakthrough treatments often steal the spotlight.

However, another powerful force in modern healthcare is our ability to optimize the patient experience by offering innovative home-based evaluation options, making recommended products easily accessible in the clinic, and meeting patients in their communities.

This is part five of our Building a Physician Practice series. You can find the other parts by clicking the following links:
Part one     |    Part two    |    Part three    |    Part four