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Calcium-Channel Blocking Injection
Intralesional injections for treating Peyronie’s disease may consist of a series of Verapamil, Interferon, or Xiaflex® intralesional penile injections. This will help assist in stabilizing the scarring, increasing blood flow, and reducing the deformation.
Prescription Required
menMD does not compound or dispense prescription products. Prescriptions are filled through our US-licensed pharmacy partners.
Starts at $47.33 per 4mL vial
Verapamil injections are part of a series lasting several months. The injections are usually done in an outpatient visit. After the injection, your physician will likely place a pressure bandage on your penis to reduce the chances of swelling and bruising.
Vaerapamil injections are ideal for anyone dealing with Peyronie’s Disease and have been dealing with adverse effects as a result of the disease.
One study comparing Peyronie’s Disease treatment found that Verapamil injections in combination with supplementation and a topical NSAID was twice as effective than just the NSAID on its own.1
1. NIH National Library of Medicine, Treatment of Peyronie’s disease with intralesional verapamil injection
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, affecting 1-in-8 men in their lifetime. The good news is that the survival rate for prostate cancer, when diagnosed early, is over 99%. However, many prostate cancer survivors experience concerning side effects from treatment, including Urinary Incontinenceand Erectile Dysfunction, that can greatly impact quality of life. […]
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Crossed the 40-year milestone? Just as a vintage car needs special care and maintenance, so does your body as you age.
menMD provides multiple options for the treatment of Peyronie’s Disease.